

I am not rich I am not poor. Thank God he blesses me with daily bread and then some.

To live in CA, well southern CA you must have a car. If you don't have a car you need a Vespa and a job close to home. To be a housekeeper or nanny you must have a car. That's what the classifieds say. With gas at $4.17 a gallon and LA County MTA wanting to cut over 30 lines what are the poor to do.

Right now before my little eyes I am imagining the great divide between rich and poor. We have only heard about it but it happening. What happens when gas is 6 bucks a gallon and someone makes $15 an hour? Only the rich will be able to afford gas. Which mean only the wealthy will be able to afford to drive to work and will fill all positions from mail boy to the few corner offices above the glass ceiling.

Thankfully there is a Starbucks or Coffee Bean on EVERY corner. For the rich and poor. Close enough for everyone to walk to . Some for a drink and some for work.


I do not know the purpose of my blog but I will let it unfold an organically as possible.
Deep within myself there is a space that longs to share so its known we are all the same. My experience ,your experience, our joy, frustration, happiness. It may not be the same if familiar, but the goal of Self is to grow, learn, share, fail, succeed, merge and love.

Hopefully a few people will draw something from what is shared here as I have from other people. Not how to live or how to do it right or wrong. Take from my blog a snippet of a view, my perspective about whatever I post. Its just a perspective and everyone has more of those that dollars in the bank. quotes of life