
Sticky Icky Inquiry

One of my friends from college did this and so now I will too. I love asking and getting asked these questions. They aren't hard to answer and a few were funny. Everybody is already thinking about these topics but they are often too much for "polite" company. I'm glad my friends can take it for what it is, thoughts, questions, and answers. I bet asking these sticky questions at your next wine night will make your guest more passionate and you will all learn about each other. Learning and accepting is what the world is about and why God made us all so diverse.

1.Would you do meth if it was legalized? nope

2.Abortion: for or against? PRO CHOICE!!! Until EVERY man makes sure he has a condom and takes a proactive part in birth control. Remember Men make the laws that control a woman's body. Use your voice.

3.Would our country fall with a woman president? No. But a woman, not a woman trying to be a "man".

4.Do you believe in the death penalty? You kill you die. Someone killed someone I love. I feel most days he should not be allowed to open his eyes or eat.

5.Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?Yes. People would be so much nicer to each other.

6.Is it really worse than alcohol? People get violent and black out when they get drunk. Pee themselves, crash cars, brawl in bars, rape and so on. People who smoke pot usually sit in one place and giggle.

7.Are you for or against premarital sex? everyone chooses that for themselves

8. Do you believe in God? God, Jesus, the whole thing.

9.Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized? No. I am all for gay and lesbians but their marriage needs to be different from mine. But they should have all the legal rights.

10.Do you think its wrong that so many Hispanics are moving to the USA? Uh weren't they here first? It's wrong to live in America and not speak English, no matter what country you come from. Americans should know conversational language with regards to the country they in. I hear all the time from Europe to Canada, English speaking American get no love.

11. A 12 year old girl has a baby... should she keep it? That is for her and her family to decide. I would talk my own daughter into abortion not adoption.

12.Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18? It should be raised to 23.

13.Should the war in Iraq be called off? Until every American have running whether, electricity, and basic food needs met then America doesn't need to be anywhere but in America.

14. Assisted suicide is illegal... do you agree? If someone wants to die and they are sick then let them die peacefully. I have seen what suicide can do to a family and those that discover their newly departed. Its no fun.

16.A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case.Do you agree? See question 4.

17.Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers? Afraid? lol. I hope someone does judge me. Thats on them. I'm black I am always judged, BRING IT ON!!! lol. =)

In the news

Why do children as young as 2 yo need to be put on cholestrol medication?
I saw a family the parents were well 300 lbs and the aughter was a little chubby and they had 4 of the biggest slurpees I have ever seen. In no world does a child, need 20 oz of sugar water at 9:30 am.

The Joy Of What?

At about 12:30 am this morning my good friend ShellEy and I enjoyed one of our end of the week marathon catch up calls. ShellEy and her husband just bought a house (we are thrilled that we will be exactly 6.2 miles away from each other as opposed to 20) and are planning a housewarming party. We talked about food, wine, and my obsession with The Joy Of Cooking...

This is how the convo went...
Sorrelle: Do you have the The Joy Of Cooking?
Shelley: Yes I do. I like it.
Sorrelle: It has some cool stuff...
long pause
Shelley: yea it does...wait...do I have the joy of cooking? pause Wait, no! I have The Joy Of Sex!

I don't know what that girl is doing in her kitchen but she makes amazing dishes.